The Importance of Sauna Timers for Safe Sauna Sessions
Posted on 16 August 2024
The benefits of sauna use are rather profound. Adding the right accessory to your home sauna kit can help maximize those benefits. Timers are one of the best sauna accessories you can add to your space. They help time your sauna use to ensure that you and your guests have safe and healthy sessions. Timing is everything when it comes to sauna use, as you want to ensure that your body has enough time to reap the physical and mental benefits of heat exposure without risking exhaustion. Having a dedicated timer can help you achieve this. At SaunaFin, we have a Sand Timer made of pine aspen, which will ensure that you have optimal sauna sessions. Contact us today for a quote!
To learn more about the importance of sauna timers, continue reading!
Sauna Timers
It may seem self-explanatory, but sauna timers exist to help you time your sauna sessions. Tracking the time you spend in the sauna is important for your health. It is often recommended that new sauna users spend only 5-10 minutes in the sauna, as it can be overwhelming and uncomfortable the first few times. The optimal time that regular sauna users should spend in their sauna is 8-15 minutes, with the absolute maximum being 20 minutes. You can risk dehydration or exhaustion if you stay in your sauna for too long. Having a timer provides you with a gentle reminder that your session is done, which can prevent overuse. At SaunaFin, we offer a 15-minute sand timer that acts as both a functional sauna tool and a piece of decor. It is silent and provides a visual indicator when your sauna session is done. This promotes relaxation in the sauna, unlike digital and electronic timers. All you need to do is flip it over when you enter the sauna and wait for the sand to run out.
Why Have a Dedicated Timer?
Many people may not understand the point of a dedicated sauna timer when cell phones exist. However, it is not a good idea to bring your phone into the sauna as it can be distracting and lessen the benefits of sauna solidarity. Avoiding overstimulation from your using your phone in the sauna can enhance mental health and physical relaxation benefits. Cell phones can also overheat in your sauna, making them obsolete anyway. Many phones will give a warning when they are too hot, saying that they cannot be used until the phone has cooled down. This is why sauna timers are highly recommended, as they will not overheat.
How to Use Your Sauna Timer
In order to effectively use your sauna timer, follow these steps:
- Turn on your sauna heater and allow ample time for it to heat up
- Simply sit in your sauna and make yourself comfortable.
- Flip over your sand timer and watch the sand slowly fall until your 15-minute session is over.
- Try to leave the sauna when the timer is up to avoid dehydration.
Sauna Timers are Worth Your While
Having a sauna timer can help make sauna use more convenient. You can time your sessions easily to ensure that you are spending a safe amount of time in the sauna. A sand timer, in particular, provides a visual cue rather than an audible cue, which enhances relaxation. It is also much less distracting than an electronic timer or cellphone, which will allow you to maintain a sense of serenity. Contact SaunaFin today to purchase a sauna timer and other sauna accessories or learn more about our home sauna kits!