10 Things To Know about Barrel Saunas Told From A Sauna Company
Posted on 29 July 2021
Imagine a blissful retreat on your very own property. You could be sitting in a cute and cozy barrel sauna to relax and reinvigorate. Barrel saunas are gaining popularity in Canada, partly because they are low maintenance, compact, and efficient. Reach out to a well-known sauna company like SaunaFin to learn more about the health benefits of enjoying a barrel sauna in Canada. Saunas are incredibly luxe in cold, harsh Canadian winters. This type of sauna heats up quickly because of its efficient size and lack of a flat ceiling. No heat is trapped at the top, and the circular shape helps circulate the air.
This blog will outline the various reasons you should think about choosing to buy a Barrel Sauna and what decisions you need to make before you click buy! It can be an overwhelming and daunting process, so do not hesitate to contact the experts at SaunaFin if you have any questions.
Reasons to Buy A Barrel Sauna
Simple assembly:
Cleverly designed, barrel saunas require no major tools for assembly. As a bonus, the design allows for easy shipping. Built on-site, you do not need to be handy to install a barrel sauna.
Change room:
A sort of anteroom, the changeroom is a space to change before and after your sauna sessions. You can store your personal items in the change room while enjoying your sauna. Furthermore, it is wise advice to include a change room since the air directly outside your sauna is too stark of a contrast to the air outside. To properly reap the benefits of this type of sauna, one must cool down slowly. Having an anteroom allows you to move from the intense heat to lesser heat to transitioning back outside.
Due to the shape of your barrel sauna, there is no actual “roof”; instead, it’s curved, which allows for a more significant snow load (perfect for our brutal Canadian winters!). Because of the design, these saunas can develop leaks. You may opt to cover your barrel sauna in stretches when it isn’t in use or build a roof-type structure to keep out rain and snow. Maintenance and longevity should be significant factors in your sauna decision-making process.
An escape: a dedicated space for your sauna is essential. It can be surrounded by lush vegetation and completely separate from your home. It will seem more like an escape to paradise with its own space and aesthetic. You can choose who gets to enjoy your sauna. Take delight in the privacy of your very own sauna.
Decisions to Consider
The size of your sauna will be contingent on how much space you are willing to spare on your property. Saunas will usually tell you how many people can be seated inside comfortably. You should be supplied with a technical drawing and interior dimensions when thinking of purchasing a sauna.
There are two main types of heaters to consider, electric and wood-burning stoves. While the wood-burning stove is more traditional, electric heaters are better for spaces smaller than 36 square feet. Saunas this size and smaller won’t be able to handle the intense heat from a wood-burning stove.
Various Customizations:
Changing rooms have already been mentioned, but you can also get an LED light bar or a Himalayan salt wall. Both of these are great for ambiance and can be quickly and conveniently installed and controlled. There are other accessories for your sauna as well, such as ladles and wooden buckets. These add authenticity to your sauna while also being a safe and functional way to transport water over to your heater rocks to produce steam. You can go to town customizing your sauna, from timers and thermometers to lights, backrests, shelves, and even a window if you have a beautiful space to show off.
You would love your very own sauna, but which one to choose? There are so many variables to consider, so many accessories you can add, and heaters from which to choose. It can be an overwhelming process, so let the experts at SaunaFin help you pick the perfect sauna for your needs. Then you can make some choices about your sauna that will make it yours. Start enjoying the benefits of a barrel sauna today!